Despre mine/About Me

Sunt mama unei eleve la o scoala vocationala de balet. Ca orice mama implicata, am intrat in minunata lume a baletului datorita pasiunii fiicei mele. Incepand cu varsta de 4 ani am inceput sa mergem impreuna la toate spectacolele ONB si a trupelor care veneau in Romania, spectacole pe care le-am urmarit de-a lungul anilor de nenumarate ori in zeci de distributii. Asta nu m-a ajutat deloc cand a ajuns in cls aV-a la Liceul de Coregrafie “Floria Capsali”. Ca persoana cu experienta profesionala total diferita (marketing si publicitate)a fost foarte frustrant pentru mine sa inteleg ce se intampla in balet si de ce anume ar avea nevoie copilul meu, cum as putea sa il ajut si sa ii canalizez efortul in cea mai potrivita directie.

Atat cat am reusit sa “invat”, am facut-o parcurgand un drum greu si anevoios de una singura. M-am documentat pe net referitor la scoli de balet, am invatat cum se fac aplicatiile pentru scolile de vara, am mers la scoli de vara in strainatate unde am urmarit cum sunt organizate si cum se desfasoara orele, atitudinea profesorilor, am vorbit cu fiecare profesor in parte. Revenind in tara am citit carti de specialitate, am vizionat foarte multe spectacole si concursuri pe net incercand sa inteleg partea tehnica,am asistat la zeci de ore de balet ascultand corectiile profesorilor si am organizat impreuna cu MBAS prima scoala de vara de balet intensiv care a fost un real succes. Am fost cu fiica mea la auditii la scoli de balet, am vorbit cu profesorii de acolo, cu unii dintre ei m-am imprietenit. Sunt deja 3 ani de cand fiica mea studiaza in strainatate.

Am inceput acest blog in ideea de a fi un loc privat in care sa imi adun propriile notite despre spectacolele de balet pe care le vedeam la Mezzo, in zilele de vineri la noua si jumatate seara. Asa mi-am si denumit acest blog la momentul respectiv, noua si jumatate.
In scurt timp am hotarat sa folosesc toate informatiile adunate de mine de-a lungul anilor, transformand acest blog intr-o baza de date in care atat tinerii ce aspira la o cariera in balet, cat si parintii lor sa gaseasca tot ce au nevoie. Asa cum scoala de vara a fost un proiect de suflet, in care tinerii din Romania sa poata beneficia de o scoala “ca afara” in vacanta, la fel si acest blog este o parte din ceea ce vreau sa daruiesc noilor generatii.

In acest moment, imi doresc sa completez acest mic indrumar cu sugestii si perspective legate de viata dupa terminarea scolii de balet: auditii, primii ani in la o companie sau alte drumuri dincolo de balet
Daca aveti sugestii sau lucruri care va intereseaza, astept comentariile voastre, ma gasiti si pe

I am the mother of a ballet student. Like any other mother who want to get involved, I got into the magic world of ballet, thanks to my daughter. We’ve started to go to Bucharest National Opera and saw all their performances in numerous distribution for dozens of times. Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite helpful once she got in the 5th grade in the vocational school. As someone coming from a completely different background (marketing and advertising), it was very frustrating for me trying to understand what was going on at school and trying to figure out which would be the best way to help her.

As much as I managed to “learn”, I did it the hard way. I researched internet regarding ballet schools, I learned how to apply for summer schools, I went to several schools abroad, observing their curriculum and methods, I spoke to each teacher. Back home I read specialty books (such as Vaganova), watched dozens of ballet performances and contests, listened to teachers corrections and went all the way to organize together with MBAS the first summer intensive in Bucharest. I accompanied my daughter to auditions, talked to teachers, even made friends with some. There are 3 years now since my daughter studies abroad.

I started this blog as my own private place where I could gather my notes on ballet performances most of them seen on Mezzo, on Fridays at half past nine in the evening – therefore the initial name of the blog – nouasijumatate.
Shortly after, I decided to use all the information I had, transforming this blog into a data base make of ballet schools, to help other parents and children find the information needed in one place. This blog is a “soul project”, something that I want to give to the next generation of young dancers.

As things go right now, I will most probably try to post more about life after ballet school: auditions, first years in a ballet company or other professional perspectives.

If you have other suggestions please feel free to send me you comments!

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